Source code for hatchet.graph

# Copyright 2017-2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
# Hatchet Project Developers. See the top-level LICENSE file for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from collections import defaultdict

from .node import Node, traversal_order

[docs]def index_by(attr, objects): """Put objects into lists based on the value of an attribute. Returns: (dict): dictionary of lists of objects, keyed by attribute value """ index = defaultdict(lambda: []) for obj in objects: index[getattr(obj, attr)].append(obj) return index
[docs]class Graph: """A possibly multi-rooted tree or graph from one input dataset.""" def __init__(self, roots): assert roots is not None self.roots = roots
[docs] def traverse(self, order="pre", attrs=None, visited=None): """Preorder traversal of all roots of this Graph. Arguments: attrs (list or str, optional): If provided, extract these fields from nodes while traversing and yield them. See :func:`~hatchet.node.traverse` for details. Only preorder traversal is currently supported. """ # share visited dict so that we visit each node at most once. if visited is None: visited = {} # iterate over roots in order for root in sorted(self.roots, key=traversal_order): for value in root.traverse(order=order, attrs=attrs, visited=visited): yield value
[docs] def is_tree(self): """True if this graph is a tree, false otherwise.""" if len(self.roots) > 1: return False visited = {} list(self.traverse(visited=visited)) return all(v == 1 for v in visited.values())
[docs] def find_merges(self): """Find nodes that have the same parent and frame. Find nodes that have the same parent and duplicate frame, and return a mapping from nodes that should be eliminated to nodes they should be merged into. Return: (dict): dictionary from nodes to their merge targets """ merges = {} # old_node -> merged_node inverted_merges = defaultdict( lambda: [] ) # merged_node -> list of corresponding old_nodes processed = [] def _find_child_merges(node_list): index = index_by("frame", node_list) for frame, children in index.items(): if len(children) > 1: min_id = min(children, key=id) for child in children: prev_min = merges.get(child, min_id) # Get the new merged_node curr_min = min([min_id, prev_min], key=id) # Save the new merged_node to the merges dict # so that the merge can happen later. merges[child] = curr_min # Update inverted_merges to be able to set node_list # to the right value. inverted_merges[curr_min].append(child) _find_child_merges(self.roots) for node in self.traverse(): if node in processed: continue nodes = None # If node is going to be merged with other nodes, # collect the set of those nodes' children. This is # done to ensure that equivalent children of merged nodes # also get merged. if node in merges: new_node = merges[node] nodes = [] for node_to_merge in inverted_merges[new_node]: nodes.extend(node_to_merge.children) processed.extend(inverted_merges[new_node]) # If node is not going to be merged, simply get the list of # node's children. else: nodes = node.children processed.append(node) _find_child_merges(nodes) return merges
[docs] def merge_nodes(self, merges): """Merge some nodes in a graph into others. ``merges`` is a dictionary keyed by old nodes, with values equal to the nodes that they need to be merged into. Old nodes' parents and children are connected to the new node. Arguments: merges (dict): dictionary from source nodes -> targets """ def transform(node_list): return sorted(set(merges.get(n, n) for n in node_list)) for old, new in merges.items(): new.parents = transform(new.parents + old.parents) for parent in new.parents: parent.children = transform(parent.children) new.children = transform(new.children + old.children) for child in new.children: child.parents = transform(child.parents) self.roots = transform(self.roots)
[docs] def normalize(self): merges = self.find_merges() self.merge_nodes(merges) return merges
[docs] def copy(self, old_to_new=None): """Create and return a copy of this graph. Arguments: old_to_new (dict, optional): if provided, this dictionary will be populated with mappings from old node -> new node """ # create a mapping dict if one wasn't passed in. if old_to_new is None: old_to_new = {} # first pass creates new nodes for node in self.traverse(): old_to_new[node] = node.copy() # second pass hooks up parents and children for old, new in old_to_new.items(): for old_parent in old.parents: new.parents.append(old_to_new[old_parent]) for old_child in old.children: new.children.append(old_to_new[old_child]) graph = Graph([old_to_new[r] for r in self.roots]) graph.enumerate_traverse() return graph
[docs] def union(self, other, old_to_new=None): """Create the union of self and other and return it as a new Graph. This creates a new graph and does not modify self or other. The new Graph has entirely new nodes. Arguments: other (Graph): another Graph old_to_new (dict, optional): if provided, this dictionary will be populated with mappings from old node -> new node Return: (Graph): new Graph containing all nodes and edges from self and other """ if old_to_new is None: old_to_new = {} # mapping from old nodes to new nodes def _merge(self_children, other_children, parent): """Recursively merge children of self and other. Arguments: self_children (list or tuple): List of children nodes from self other_children (list or tuple): List of children nodes from other parent (Node): Parent node for self and other child(ren) Modifies old_to_new (dict): Updated dict mapping old nodes from self and other to new unioned nodes Return: (list): list of merged children """ def make_node(*nodes): """Make a new node to represent the union of other nodes.""" new_node = nodes[0].copy() for node in nodes: old_to_new[id(node)] = new_node return new_node new_children = [] def connect(parent, new_node): if parent: parent.add_child(new_node) new_node.add_parent(parent) new_children.append(new_node) # step through both lists and merge nodes self_children, other_children = iter(self_children), iter(other_children) self_child = next(self_children, None) other_child = next(other_children, None) while self_child and other_child: if self_child.frame < other_child.frame: # self_child is unique new_node = old_to_new.get(id(self_child)) if not new_node: new_node = make_node(self_child) _merge( sorted(self_child.children, key=lambda n: n.frame), (), new_node, ) connect(parent, new_node) self_child = next(self_children, None) elif self_child.frame > other_child.frame: # other_child is unique new_node = old_to_new.get(id(other_child)) if not new_node: new_node = make_node(other_child) _merge( (), sorted(other_child.children, key=lambda n: n.frame), new_node, ) connect(parent, new_node) other_child = next(other_children, None) else: # self_child and other_child are equal self_mapped = old_to_new.get(id(self_child)) other_mapped = old_to_new.get(id(other_child)) if not self_mapped and not other_mapped: new_node = make_node(self_child, other_child) else: new_node = self_mapped or other_mapped # map whichever node was not mapped yet if not self_mapped: old_to_new[id(self_child)] = new_node self_side = self_child.children else: self_side = [] if not other_mapped: old_to_new[id(other_child)] = new_node other_side = other_child.children else: other_side = [] _merge( sorted(self_side, key=lambda n: n.frame), sorted(other_side, key=lambda n: n.frame), new_node, ) connect(parent, new_node) self_child = next(self_children, None) other_child = next(other_children, None) # finish off whichever list of children is longer while self_child: new_node = old_to_new.get(id(self_child)) if not new_node: new_node = make_node(self_child) _merge( sorted(self_child.children, key=lambda n: n.frame), (), new_node, ) connect(parent, new_node) self_child = next(self_children, None) while other_child: new_node = old_to_new.get(id(other_child)) if not new_node: new_node = make_node(other_child) _merge( (), sorted(other_child.children, key=lambda n: n.frame), new_node, ) connect(parent, new_node) other_child = next(other_children, None) return new_children # First establish which nodes correspond to each other new_roots = _merge( sorted(self.roots, key=lambda n: n.frame), sorted(other.roots, key=lambda n: n.frame), None, ) graph = Graph(new_roots) graph.enumerate_traverse() return graph
[docs] def enumerate_depth(self): def _iter_depth(node, visited): for child in node.children: if child not in visited: visited.add(child) # depth of child is depth of node + 1 child._depth = node._depth + 1 _iter_depth(child, visited) visited = set() for root in self.roots: root._depth = 0 # depth of root node is 0 _iter_depth(root, visited)
[docs] def enumerate_traverse(self): if not self._check_enumerate_traverse(): for i, node in enumerate(self.traverse()): node._hatchet_nid = i self.enumerate_depth()
def _check_enumerate_traverse(self): for i, node in enumerate(self.traverse()): if i != node._hatchet_nid: return False def __len__(self): """Size of the graph in terms of number of nodes.""" return sum(1 for _ in self.traverse()) def __eq__(self, other): """Check if two graphs have the same structure by comparing frame at each node. """ vs = set() vo = set() # if both graphs are pointing to the same object, then graphs are equal if self is other: return True # if number of roots do not match, then graphs are not equal if len(self.roots) != len(other.roots): return False if len(self) != len(other): return False # sort roots by its frame ssorted = sorted(self.roots, key=lambda x: x.frame) osorted = sorted(other.roots, key=lambda x: x.frame) for self_root, other_root in zip(ssorted, osorted): # if frames do not match, then nodes are not equal if self_root.frame != other_root.frame: return False if not self_root.dag_equal(other_root, vs, vo): return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_lists(*roots): """Convenience method to invoke Node.from_lists() on each root value.""" if not all(isinstance(r, (list, tuple)) for r in roots): raise ValueError( "All arguments to Graph.from_lists() must be lists: %s" % roots ) graph = Graph([Node.from_lists(r) for r in roots]) graph.enumerate_traverse() return graph