hatchet.readers package


hatchet.readers.caliper_reader module

class hatchet.readers.caliper_reader.CaliperReader(filename_or_stream, query='')[source]

Bases: object

Read in a Caliper file (cali or split JSON) or file-like object.


Read the caliper JSON file to extract the calling context tree.


hatchet.readers.gprof_dot_reader module

class hatchet.readers.gprof_dot_reader.GprofDotReader(filename)[source]

Bases: object

Read in gprof/callgrind output in dot format generated by gprof2dot.


Read the DOT files to create a graph.


Read the DOT file generated by gprof2dot to create a graphframe. The DOT file contains a call graph.

hatchet.readers.hpctoolkit_reader module

class hatchet.readers.hpctoolkit_reader.HPCToolkitReader(dir_name)[source]

Bases: object

Read in the various sections of an HPCToolkit experiment.xml file and metric-db files.

create_node_dict(nid, hnode, name, node_type, src_file, line, module)[source]

Create a dict with all the node attributes.


Read certain sections of the experiment.xml file to create dicts of load modules, src_files, procedure_names, and metric_names.

parse_xml_children(xml_node, hnode)[source]

Parses all children of an XML node.

parse_xml_node(xml_node, parent_nid, parent_line, hparent)[source]

Parses an XML node and its children recursively.


Read the experiment.xml file to extract the calling context tree and create a dataframe out of it. Then merge the two dataframes to create the final dataframe.

Returns:new GraphFrame with HPCToolkit data.
Return type:(GraphFrame)

Read all the metric-db files and create a dataframe with num_nodes X num_metricdb_files rows and num_metrics columns. Three additional columns store the node id, MPI process rank, and thread id (if applicable).


Initialize shared array.


Read a single metricdb file into a 1D array.

Module contents