Publications and Presentations


  • Stephanie Brink, Ian Lumsden, Connor Scully-Allison, Katy Williams, Olga Pearce, Todd Gamblin, Michela Taufer, Katherine Isaacs, Abhinav Bhatele. Usability and Performance Improvements in Hatchet. Presented at the ProTools 2020 Workshop, held in conjunction with the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC ‘20), held virtually.

  • Abhinav Bhatele, Stephanie Brink, and Todd Gamblin. Hatchet: Pruning the Overgrowth in Parallel Profiles. In Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC ‘19), Denver, CO.



  • Automated Performance Analysis with Caliper, SPOT, and Hatchet, ECP Annual Meeting, April 12, 2021. pdf | YouTube

  • Performance Analysis using Hatchet, LLNL, July 29/31, 2020.